ECO-MASURIA INVEST SP. Z O.O. Elbląska 42, 14-530 Frombork, PL, NIP 6312690590, Bank Account: 15 1140 2004 0000 3702 8219 3605 mBank
Joanna has been with us almost since the very beginning of the facility, so she knows the hotel and its operations like the back of her hand! Her innate gift for hospitality and helpfulness will meet all expectations of our guests, even the most demanding ones!
Joanna Walkiewicz
Anna will gladly handle the comprehensive organization of your event, regardless of its size or concept. For her, nothing is impossible, and everything is always perfectly prepared!
Anna Siekierko
Kuba is not only an exceptional chef full of creative ideas but also a great organizer with the soul of a true host! In his kitchen, he perfectly combines local tradition with modernity at a world-class level!
Jakub Dąbrowski
Monday–Friday 10:00 AM–6:00 PM
Julita creates beautiful photos, decorations, and has an amazing sense of style! She knows how to use all this in the digital realm as part of unique social media campaigns. She also takes care of the development and positioning of our venue in the industry. Julita's creativity knows no bounds!
Julita Majda
Ilona, as the main manager and co-founder of Narusa Forest Harbor, always keeps an eye on everything and never misses a thing, all to ensure the highest quality of services provided. She perfectly coordinates our entire team!
Ilona Matuszny